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Pale skin value pack



Like the Japanese, the Indians also consider pale skin to be beautiful due to its connection with your social status. The Indians made their face whitening powder by mixing costus root, sesame seeds, lebbeck leaves, pongamia pea plant leaves, cedar wood and barberry wood together. After this, the would roast the mixture and crush it until its a powder. Our value pack contains everything you need to do this yourself.





Indians also value bindi, a red dot in between the eyebrows. This symbolizes marriage, love, and honor. To make Bindi, you need kumkum, which is tumeric (a spice). The tumeric is then mixed with lime juice, which turns it red. To apply the bindi, you first have to make a dot of sticky wax paste on your forehead where you want the bindi to be. Then, you coat the wax with the kumkum. The wax will hold the kumkum in place. The bindi is also known as the “third eye”, which is supposed to retain your energy and help you concentrate better. 

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